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ENMAX Energy paperless bills and
online portal access.

Online portal access.

Seamless access to invoices, dynamic online reports, consumption trending and critical account information including contracts, site details and more.
Set up online portal access

Paperless billing.

Paperless bills offer increased convenience by notifying you when invoices are ready to be viewed.
Send email notifications when invoices are ready to be viewed within my ENMAX Energy online portal.

Account profile.

Legal name of organization
Account number(s):

Valid for accounts that begin with 'A'. Not valid for accounts that start with '5'.

*Separate multiple acounts with comma, i.e. A13456789, A27654321
First name:
Last name:
Phone number:
- -

Legal owner of the account.

The organization listed above is NOT the account owner

Third party access.

If you would like a Third Party to access your account on the portal, or if you are not the Legal Owner of the Account, a Consent to Release Information to a Third Party form will need to be submitted.
The form can be accessed here.

Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. ​For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).

The information gathered and retained is protected under the Personal Protection Act (Alberta) and will only be used in accordance with the provisions of ENMAX’s Privacy Commitment which can be viewed at https://www.enmax.com/legal/privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about the collection of your personal information, please contact the ENMAX Privacy Officer at 403-514-3000 or privacy@enmax.com.​



Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).