outages and safety

Safety awareness


Working Around Electricity

Every day, two to three Albertans will come in contact with an overhead or underground power line. The potential for injury and even death is extremely high when safety is not placed as the priority on the job.

Many electrical incidents occur because workers are unaware of the safe limits of approach and get too close with vehicles, tools and their own bodies. These are incidents that can be prevented with education and respect for the infrastructure that makes our world what it is.

Hazardous Electrical Awareness Tutorial (H.E.A.T.)

Tutorial information
More information

ENMAX Power offers a free safety tutorial for companies with employees or equipment working near electrical infrastructure in Calgary. Book a free H.E.A.T. session by emailing safety@enmax.com.

What can you learn from the tutorial?

H.E.A.T. provides your workers with the basic awareness required to work safely around electrical equipment to prevent lifelong injuries or death.

  • Basic electrical theory

  • Consequences of electrical injuries and burns

  • Hazard assessment and control

  • Pre-job planning

  • ENMAX owned overhead and underground infrastructure

  • Locating utilities

  • Safe work practices

  • Emergency planning and preparedness

  • Overhead power lines limits of approach

  • Hazards of working around overhead and underground power lines

  • Touch and step potential and induction

Safety Partners

CEMA - Emergency Preparedness Week

Every May, ENMAX is proud to take part in the City of Calgary’s Emergency Preparedness Week, organized by the Calgary Emergency Management Agency. This includes the Disaster Alley event, where ENMAX safety specialists and trouble response crews showcase how we deal with outages and emergencies, and provide information on staying safe around electricity as well as preparing for and dealing with power outages.

Utility Safety Partners

The former Alberta One-Call, Alberta Common Ground Alliance, and the Joint Utility Safety Team have united under one name: Utility Safety Partners. For more information on how you can work safely around power lines visit utilitysafety.ca.


Partners for Community Safety

ENMAX is pleased to be partners with The City of Calgary, ATCO Gas, Canada Post and Telus in promoting community safety for service providers. This committee looks at promoting things like keeping yards safe for meter readers, shoveling walks for mail carriers, and generally having an obstacle-free property for improved safety of everyone in the community.

Additional resources


Ground Disturbance Guidelines

Underground electric cables are a hidden danger. Unlike working around overhead lines, workers are unable to see if they are getting too close to a cable. They must rely on a requested locate from Utility Safety Partners to assist with locating buried power lines, underground cables, and other utility infrastructure. ENMAX offers our Ground Disturbance Guidelines that outline safe exposure methods that must be adhered to when dealing with underground cables and construction to keep everyone safe.

Learn more

Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF)

Albertans are exposed to man-made EMF at very low frequencies daily in common household products and the  power consumed in the home. To know more about EMF, please click the button below.

Learn more

Contractor Access Portal – Safe Work Practices

We provide our contractors access to our safe work procedure documents and design standards online through our Contractor Access Portal. To obtain access or to see if you qualify, please email EPCContractorscreening@enmax.com.