Projects and Services

Developer choice


What is the Developer Choice model?

The Developer Choice Project model provides, for those who are eligible to use it, the ability to choose from pre-qualified service providers to design, build and close-out a project with ENMAX Power Corporation (EPC).

Pre-qualified design-build companies

There are four qualified service providers who can operate as your Design-Build Companies (DBC):

Determining eligibility

Complexity of a project and potential interaction with other EPC customers are factors considered in identifying projects eligible to use the Developer Choice model.

While each project is evaluated individually, eligible Developer Choice projects might include:

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  • New commercial services
  • Upgrades/alterations to existing services
  • Commercial pre-servicing
  • Primary-metered projects
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Multi-family developments (condominiums and apartments) that requires three phase servicing and/or more than one single phase source