Submit a meter reading
This form will take about 2 minutes to complete.
Read all the instructions before starting the form.
This form is:
For submission of your electrical and water meter readings.
Only for the ENMAX customers in Calgary, Red Deer Ponoka and Cardston.
This form is NOT:
For billing related concerns.
For gas meter readings.
For general meter reading concerns - Please contact
Alternative ways to submit your meter readings
You can submit a photo of your meter to
If you don't have the ability to email a photo, you can call 403-662-3250 and leave a voicemail with your readings.
How to read your meter?
Advanced/Digital Meters(AMI)
Delivered reading
Look for the phase that says "DEL", this screen indicates the amount of electricity that was delivered to your property.
Received reading (Export)
Look for the phase that says "REC", this screen is only needed if you export energy back to the grid, through solar panels for example.
Analog meters
Meter number - You can find your electric meter number at the bottom of the meter.
Meter reading - Read the dial from right to left. Record the number that the dial is pointed at. If it’s not pointed at a number directly, round down to the lowest number. Only exception is if the hand is between 9 and 0, the reading is 9.
Water meter
Meter number - Your water meter number can be found engraved on the base of the meter or on the highlighted sticker.
Meter reading - Take the reading from left to right. There are many different types of water meters, and the reading usually consists of 6-8 digits, although it could be different.