Corporate Governance

ENMAX Corporation's Board of Directors and executive team are committed to high standards of corporate governance. We provide leadership in the governance of our organization and believe sound corporate governance contributes to shareholder value, trust and confidence in ENMAX. Our practices are underscored by the belief that how we earn profits is equally as important as the level of profits we earn.

We disclose our corporate governance practices through our Annual Report on Governance and Compensation. Our approach to corporate governance is based on the principles of transparency, prudence, accountability and corporate responsibility. We follow a sound corporate governance system informed by National Instrument 58-101, 'Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices'. Each year, we disclose full details of our governance framework and practices, the roles and responsibilities of our Board and committees, and the compensation paid to our Directors, President and CEO, Chief Financial Officer and the next three most highly paid executives. The information contained within these disclosures is as of December 31, our fiscal year end, unless otherwise noted.

ENMAX Corporation Board, committee and policy information

The role of the Board of Directors is to act in the best interest of ENMAX Corporation and ensure we deliver our mandate. The President and CEO and executive team are responsible for the development of ENMAX’s strategy and the day-to-day management of the organization. The Board oversees the performance of the CEO and executive and ensures sound systems are in place to manage our risks and operations. The Board, through engagement with the executive team, monitors ENMAX’s approach to ethics, compliance with applicable laws and regulatory policies, environmental risks and obligations, health and safety performance, financial practices, and disclosure and reporting.

Board, Committee and Policy Documents


Our Shareholder Relationship

ENMAX is a private corporation incorporated under the Alberta Business Corporations Act whose sole shareholder is The City of Calgary. Calgary’s City Council acts in the capacity of the Shareholder on behalf of Calgarians.
Learn more

Our Plan of Compliance

The Code of Conduct Regulation must be followed by all owners of electricity distribution systems, their affiliated retailers and their regulated rate providers in Alberta.
View compliance plan