Our Plan of Compliance
Code of Conduct Regulation
The Code of Conduct Regulation must be followed by all owners of electricity distribution systems, their affiliated retailers and their regulated rate providers in Alberta. ENMAX Power is a distribution system owner. ENMAX Energy is both an affiliated retailer and the regulated rate provider for ENMAX Power and others.
The new Code of Conduct Regulation came into force in January 1, 2016. It established a one-year transition period to allow ENMAX Power and ENMAX Energy to obtain approval from the Alberta Utilities Commission for their compliance plan, which describes in detail how their operations comply with the new regulation. During this one-year transition period, ENMAX Power and ENMAX Energy were required to comply with their old compliance plans, applicable to the old Code of Conduct Regulation.
The Code of Conduct Regulation ensures that:
- retailers and customers have equal access to regulated services
- the confidentiality of customer information is protected
- retailers have equal access to information disclosed by distribution companies
- customers are treated fairly by affiliated retailers
In addition, the Code of Conduct Regulation objectives are to:
- further the development of the competitive electricity markets in Alberta
- foster fair competition for all participants in those electricity markets
- benefit customers by enabling owners and their affiliated retailers to pursue practices that create cost efficiencies in their operations and that do not create an unfair advantage
ENMAX Power and ENMAX Energy's Compliance Plan outlines how we will abide by the Code of Conduct Regulation
ENMAX Power and ENMAX Energy have prepared a compliance plan and education program to ensure their operations comply with the new Code of Conduct Regulation. Should you have any questions concerning the Code of Conduct Regulation or the Compliance Plan to the Code of Conduct Regulation, please contact the Director, Compliance at codeofconduct@enmax.com.
Complaints about contraventions of the Code of Conduct Regulation may be made to the Alberta Utilities Commission or the Market Surveillance Administrator. The Alberta Utilities Commission can be reached by contacting 403-310-4282 in Alberta or 1-833-511-4282 outside Alberta or info@auc.ab.ca. The Market Surveillance Administrator can be reached by contacting 1-403-705-3181 or compliance@albertamsa.ca. The Alberta Utilities Commission and the Market Surveillance Administrator are independent of ENMAX Corporation and its subsidiaries including ENMAX Power Corporation and ENMAX Energy Corporation and any regulated rate supplier or affiliated provider. For billing issues please contact our customer care centre at 310-2010 or 1-877-571-7111 (Outside Alberta).
Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Inter-Affiliate Code of Conduct
In addition to the Code of Conduct Regulation, ENMAX Power is bound by the AUC's Inter-Affiliate Code of Conduct which is intended to:
- prevent utilities from cross-subsidizing affiliate activities;
- protect confidential customer information collected in the course of providing utility services;
- ensure affiliates and their customers do not have preferential access to utility services; and
- avoid uncompetitive practices between Utilities and their Affiliates, which may be detrimental to the interests of Utility customers.
In November 2005, the EUB (replaced in 2008 with the AUC) approved a Compliance Plan that details the measures, policies, procedures and monitoring mechanisms that ENMAX Power employs to ensure its full compliance with the Inter-Affiliate Code of Conduct. The plan includes instructions on how to direct questions or comments regarding the plan to ENMAX Power and what was then the EUB (now the AUC).
ENMAX Power reports annually to the AUC on its compliance with the Inter-Affiliate Code of Conduct.
The Market Surveillance Administrator (MSA)
The Market Surveillance Administrator ("MSA") is an independent body created under the Electric Utilities Act and continued under the Alberta Utilities Commission Act to help ensure the fair, efficient and openly competitive operation of Alberta's electricity markets. The Code of Conduct Regulation governs aspects of the retail electricity market, including the conduct of owners of electric distribution systems and affiliated retailers. Any person who feels that a contravention of this Regulation has occurred may submit a complaint to the MSA, by following the process set out in section 41 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act. Copies of these Acts and this Regulation may be obtained through the Queen's Printer (Alberta). The MSA can be reached by telephone at (403) 705-3181. For additional information with regard to the MSA, please visit its website at www.albertamsa.ca.
For more information
The Compliance Officer (Director, Compliance) will keep a record of all written (or emailed) disputes, complaints or inquiries from within ENMAX Power Corporation (“EPC”) or from external parties respecting the application of, or alleged non-compliance with, the Code of Conduct. The identity of the party making the dispute, complaint, or inquiry will be kept confidential.
The Compliance Officer will acknowledge all disputes, complaints or inquiries in writing (which includes email) within five working days of receipt.
The Compliance Officer shall respond to the dispute, complaint or inquiry within 21 working days of its receipt. The response shall include a description of the dispute, complaint or inquiry and the initial response of EPC to the issues identified in the submission. EPC’s final disposition of the dispute, complaint or inquiry shall be completed as expeditiously as possible in the circumstances, and in any event within 60 days of receipt of the dispute, complaint or inquiry, except where the party making the submission otherwise agrees.
If you'd like more information on ENMAX Code of Conduct compliance plan or would like to raise a Code of Conduct issue, please email ENMAX Director, Compliance or phone 403-689-7308. If you prefer, you may instead complete the Code of Conduct Compliance form (link below).